Leaving So Soon?

Look what you made her do!! I know what will make her feel better! ^.^ Check out these Sailor Moon links and feel free to submit links to me

Save our Sailors (SOS) A great Sailor Moon site that gives all the latest info in the Sailor Moon world.
The Senshi Palace A very kawaii Sailor Moon page!
ginzuishou.com One of my favorite Sailor Moon sites! ^.^ Its really gravy!
Sailor Saturn and Jupiter's Kingdom ^^ This is my friend Shaundra's page! A very kawaii shrine to Sailor Saturn and Sailor Jupiter...as if you couldn't tell by the title -.-;
Sailor Saturn's Human Click section! o-o This site has tons to do, so you'll never get bored.
SailormoonWorld.Com So much great information *-* A great Sailor Moon site!
Michiru's Senshi Temple A prettyful Sailor Moon site that is filled with kewlness!
Makoto's Sailor Jupiter Shrine A great shrine to Sailor Jupiter! Its so pretty and and and yea!

~*Non Sailor Moon Sites*~

The Sonic Foundation (tSf)

the cuties of anime ^^ Shaundra's newest site! Beautiful Fushigi Yugi background *-*
Fanfiction.net Unleash your imagination and free your soul!
..:Shadow of a Hedgehog:.. Super kewl Sonic the Hedgehog website! So much to do and and...its kewl!
Nintendo Land Its Nintendo Land!!! ^^ Wheeeee!!! Another great site!
Cardcaptor Sakura A kawaii Cardcaptor Sakura site that gives info aboot the cast!
NAoStH Its an Adventure of Sonic the Hedgehog page! Well..she's making new a new series of that show and so far so gravy!! Check it out!
Sonic IPM ^.^ This is my friend Kyle's page! He is the Sonic master, so go to has page and learn!!! So gravyful!!
The Eggman Empire: The site for ROBOTNIK Fans! Its aboot time there was a gravy site dedicated to the evil yet slightly stupid *gets hit with a moose* x-X Err...I mean the greatest scientific genius EVER!!! WHEE!! And this site is soo Eggman-tastic! Lots to do here and *-* love the midis!