The Dead Moon Circus Profiles

Queen Nehelenia
All hail the leader of the Dead Moon Circus, the beautiful Queen Nehelenia! Nehelenia was after Pegasus' Golden Crystal, which would allow her to remain young and beautiful forever! She did manage to capture Pegasus, but Pegasus saw a light coming from Chibi Usa's dream mirror, and he ran to it! That's when Nehelenia sent the Dead Moon Circus to earth and find Pegasus.
At the end of the series Nehelenia took Chibi Usa's dream mirror and took the Golden Crystal away from Pegasus. She used the Golden Crystal to turn the world into darkness. Her plan was working..until the Sailor Soldiers got the crystal away and brought the light back into the world. A very pissed off Nehelenia brought Chibi Usa to the top of her floating tower and threw her off..and of course Sailor Moon jumped after her. Nehelenia flew into the sky and entered a mirror, so she could remain young and beautiful forever. In the beginning of the Sailor Stars series, Galaxia revied her, and she wanted revenge on the Sailor Soldiers, but in the end Sailor Moon turned her into a good person..the end.
Seiyuu: Sakakibara Yoshiko

Yes, Zirconia IS female! Anymoo, her instructions were to find Pegasus. She sent out the Amazon Trio to find Pegasus, and would get extremely pissed off when they failed. Sometimes he would pick out pictures of their next victims, but most of the time the Amazon Trio picked out their victims. Anywas, after numerous failures, Zirconia tried to kill the Amazon Trio by using the Amazonness Quartet. She also tried to kill the Amazonness Quartet, but failed thanks to the Sailor Soldiers! She then asked Queen Nehelenia for more power, but the Queen killed her instead. So what did we learn today? Never ask a queen for more power. -.-
Seiyuu: Kyouda Hisako

Zircon (the eyeball with wings)
Zircon is the eyeball that sat ontop of Zirconia's staff. It would go around and take pictures of people who had beautiful dreams. Sometimes the Amazonness Quartet would mess around with it, which annoyed Zirconia. (they really like to annoy Zirconia)

Tigers Eye
Tigers Eye is the pretty boy in this group. He enjoyed taking dream mirrors from young women and he hates it when he's rejected or ignored! His lemures were always pretty girls! That's about it!
Seiyuu: Okiayu Ryoutarou

Hawks Eye
Being the most refined in the group, Hawks Eye would go after the dreams of middle aged/ old women. He even took out the dream mirror of Usagi's mother. He always competed with Tigers Eye and once they even went after Minako's dream mirror, so they'd know which one she liked the best. (^.^ It was a funni episode) That's about it. Seiyuu: Furukawa Toshio

Fish Eye
Fish Eye is a MAN!! Yet another Sailor Moon villian who was changed into a girl in the dubbed version. Anyways, Fish Eye's targets were always men (one time it was a lil boy o.o) and he would cross dress and hit on men..which disgusted Tigers Eye and Hawks Eye. Fish Eye had a serious crush on Mamoru and over course Mamoru turned him down. When Fish Eye asked why he was in love with Usagi, he said "Because she has so many dreams." That was sooo lame Mamoru!! Oh, Fish Eye hates cats (gee I wonder why? ^^; )
Seiyuu: Ishida Akira

Cerecere is the leader of the Amazonness Quartet and her powers were equal to Sailor Venus. She was the calmest in the group and she would pick the flower petals off of a flower to solve a probelm.
Seiyuu: Amano Yuri

Junjun powers were equal to Sailor Jupiter. And like Sailor Jupiter, she was the most aggressive in the group.
Seiyuu: Watanabe Kumiko

Her powers were equal to Sailor Mars and so was her attitude.
Seiyuu: Hagimori Junko

Pallapalla's powers were equal to Sailor Mercury. She was a klutz and a crybaby, like Usagi and she always refers to herself in the third person. She once switched the bodies of Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon.
Seiyuu: Toyoshima Machiko

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